Unlock Extraordinary Success with the Power of Hypnosis

Empowering Visionary Female Leaders to Break Inner Resistance and Achieve Personal Mastery

About Yvonne Heil

About Me – Yvonne Heil

I’ve transformed from an exhausted marketing manager seeking recognition to a confident entrepreneur who stands up for herself and her beliefs. It’s been a long journey, but you don’t have to go through it alone! I can guide you past the pitfalls on your path to becoming authentically visible, saving you time, frustration, and money.

For years, I struggled with self-sabotage and limiting beliefs inherited from my family. I was stuck playing it small, tired of my constant battles with money and success. One day, I decided I deserved better and sought a shortcut to a financially free life. That’s when I discovered hypnosis. From the start, hypnosis changed my life, providing the lasting change other methods couldn’t. Now, I’m passionate about helping other women use this powerful tool to become the amazing entrepreneurs they are meant to be.

Does this story sound familiar? Do you want a transformation too? Check out my system!


Belief Coding Coach

“I couldn’t focus and had no energy. After working with Yvonne it was as if the fog was lifted from my brain and I had energy on end!”

Feng Shui Expert

“I felt down and troubled. During the work with Yvonne I was getting more calm and clear. I’d recommend it to anyone who wants a quick shift!”


“I could always make money but I couldn’t keep it. And now I am much calmer about money and more focused on what really matters.”


Life Coach

“Nur beim Gedanken daran mich vor eine Kamera zu setzen und ein Video zu machen kamen mir schon die Tränen. Nach der Arbeit mit Yvonne ist es als hätte es das nie gegeben!”


“Ich habe einfach keine Kundenanfragen rein bekommen. Egal was ich gemacht hab. Doch nach der Arbeit mit Yvonne hatte ich sofort 3 Anfragen. Es war wie Magie!”


“Schon lang hab ich gespürt, dass da noch ein Puzzleteil fehlt in meinem Geldmindset. Aber ich konnte den Finger nicht drauflegen. Durch die Arbeit mit Yvonne hat sich sofort in der 1. Session das Puzzelteil gezeigt und ich konnte es sofort integrieren.”

Vision & Mission

My Vision

To Empower Women To Become The Radiant And Successful Leading Entrepreneurs They Were Born To Be And Who Will Make A Lasting Impact For Themselves And Their Clients.

My Mission

Using Hypnosis As A Shortcut To Success, I Guide Visionary Female Leaders In Overcoming Mental Resistance, Achieving Financial Freedom, And Experiencing Personal Mastery.

Curious about working with me one-on-one or being part of my group program?

Looking for tools to enhance your transformation journey at your own pace?

Explore my curated collection of resources, including transformative video courses, empowering guides, WhatsApp Impuls Coaching and pre-recorded hypnosis audios, designed to support your journey to personal mastery on your own schedule.